Edge of the World E4: The Briar Watch

By Bill HindermanAugust 19th, 2021

It’s time to move northward, to the Ice Wield. The gang leaves town, and runs into a fellow traveler who Maisel takes a keen interest in. Ozzy’s quest to find giant beetles bears fruit. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E5: Emissary to a New God

By Bill HindermanAugust 23rd, 2021

The camp of the white dragonborn wasn’t built to code. The gang pushes their new all-terrain vehicles to the limit. Maisel takes an unplanned nap. Ozzy has a way to keep everyone warm, but you’re not going to like it. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E6: Edge of the Weald

By Bill HindermanAugust 26th, 2021

The cave-in is behind us, and the first cold night survived, but barely. The wind grows ferocious as Drang leads the party closer to the Ice Wield. Everyone gives Ozzy a hand. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E7: The Ice Weald

By Bill HindermanAugust 30th, 2021

The Ice Weald opens to our party, but everything is not as it would seem. A warrior lies dead in the snow, and mysterious strangers lurk in the shadows of the trees. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E8: The Broken Anchor

By Bill HindermanSeptember 2nd, 2021

The group investigates what happened in the Weald as recent foes catch up to them. Drang eulogizes a fallen comrade. Ozzy opens up. Maisel gets stabbed again. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E11: What We Each Must Do

By Bill HindermanSeptember 14th, 2021

Everyone settles into Orrostudalr, and Ozzy formulates a plan to catch up with his targets. Drang finds herself lost in thought about her own journey’s perils. Demitas wakes up, and makes a request of Maisel. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E12: Shades of Grey

By Bill HindermanSeptember 21st, 2021

Everyone sets out to find the location of a secret fighting ring in town. Drang and Maisel attend dinner at the Iron Hand’s longhouse. Ozzy meets a mysterious stranger who wants to make a deal. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E13: Assaulting an Officer

By Bill HindermanSeptember 23rd, 2021

Dinner is served. Drang and the Iron Hand find they have more in common than they expected. Maisel is as polite and well behaved as anticipated. Ozzy is challenged to a test of strength. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E14: Longer Nights

By Bill HindermanOctober 4th, 2021

Adelaide demonstrates everything he can offer, and entices Maisel to give up one of her favorite things. Drang shares more about her history in the isles. Ozzy discovers something shocking that could spell death for the group. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!

Edge of the World E15: The Infernal Pain

By Bill HindermanOctober 8th, 2021

It’s one night before the fights, and everything is on the line. Drang is visited by a fallen friend. Maisel handles reconnaissance. Ozzy makes a grand entrance. Available wherever you listen to podcasts!